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Duly appoin­ted, com­mis­sio­ned and sworn in
Bern­hard-Göring-Stra­ße 152 | Room 404
04277 Leip­zig | Ger­ma­ny
Tel.: +49 (0)341 3065288 | Sky­pe: katja.rameil
Wel­co­me to the web­site of Kat­ja Rameil | Rameil TRANS­LA­TI­ONS.
I’m plea­sed that you’ve taken an inte­rest in the ser­vices I have to offer.
As a Publicly Appoin­ted and Sworn In Cer­ti­fied Trans­la­tor of Eng­lish, Spa­nish and Ger­man I can pro­vi­de you with cer­ti­fied trans­la­ti­ons of your deeds, cer­ti­fi­ca­tes and other offi­ci­al docu­ments.
Do you need a pro­fes­sio­nal trans­la­ti­on? I spe­cia­li­ze main­ly in the fol­lo­wing are­as: eco­lo­gy, sus­tainable ener­gy con­cepts, spa­ti­al plan­ning, human and social stu­dies, cul­tu­re, and mar­ke­ting, but I also enjoy beco­ming acquain­ted with other fields. If appro­pria­te, I can also put you in touch with col­le­agues expe­ri­en­ced in other lan­guages or are­as. In Ger­man, my mother ton­gue, I also offer to edit and/or cor­rect your Ger­man texts accor­ding to your requi­re­ments.
For qua­li­ty assu­rance, I main­ly work with the CAT tool SDL Tra­dos Stu­dio.
On the basis of the ori­gi­nal text, I would be plea­sed to make you an offer, which will be non-bin­ding for you.
In order to stay infor­med and keep up-to-date with respect to my working lan­guages and fields of exper­ti­se, I make a habit of rea­ding rele­vant books and spe­cia­list jour­nals. I also keep up a con­stant exch­an­ge with col­le­agues and experts and regu­lar­ly attend trai­ning semi­nars and cour­ses.
Would you like to know more about my work? Take a look at my refe­ren­ces to see some of the cli­ents I have work­ed for. If you would like to get an impres­si­on of what my trans­la­ti­ons are like, take a look at publi­ca­ti­ons: you’ll find some links to spe­cia­li­zed texts, books and films that I have trans­la­ted.
The­re are many ways to make cont­act with me. Of cour­se, all of your infor­ma­ti­on is kept in strict con­fi­dence.
And this is what my cus­to­mers say:
Dear Ms Rameil,
thank you for your rapid trans­la­ti­on. We are very plea­sed and will sure­ly get back to you in the future!

– Bea­tri­ce Di Buduo, Stif­tung Gale­rie für Zeit­ge­nös­si­sche Kunst (2015)
Dear Ms Rameil,
thank you very much for this trans­la­ti­on, your comm­ents and your tru­ly dili­gent way of working!

– Mali­na Becker, Kon­fu­zi­us Insti­tut-Maga­zin (2014)
Dear Kat­ja,
First of all I would like to thank you for all your hard and fast work, com­bi­ned with high qua­li­ty, even though time was very pres­sing.

– Andrew Schrau­wen
Seni­or Pro­ject Offi­cer Busi­ness & Bio­di­ver­si­ty
ECNC-Euro­pean Cent­re for Natu­re Con­ser­va­ti­on, the Net­her­lands (2012)

The film team of the Ger­man asso­cia­ti­on Zwi­schen­zeit e.V. wants to thank the trans­la­tor Kat­ja Rameil for her out­stan­ding trans­la­ti­on of the inter­views of our docu­men­ta­ries. As an expert on the area, she was able to trans­port the mes­sa­ge authen­ti­cal­ly to our audi­ence.
– Luz Ker­ke­ling, Zwi­schen­zeit e.V., Ger­ma­ny (2011)
Hel­lo Ms. Rameil,
the trans­la­ti­on is abso­lut­e­ly bril­li­ant!! Thanks a mil­li­on!

– Mile­na Rott­mann, Cír­cu­lo For­mación, Spain (2010)