Deutsch / English / Español

Katja Rameil

Profile – Katja Rameil – Graduate translator

In this sec­tion, I would like to give you some infor­ma­ti­on about my aca­de­mic and pro­fes­sio­nal back­ground.

1994−2001Trans­la­ti­on Stu­dies at IALT, Leip­zig Uni­ver­si­ty; addi­tio­nal sub­jects: Psy­cho­lo­gy, Natu­re and Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion
1996−1997Semes­ters abroad at Dub­lin City Uni­ver­si­ty, Ire­land, and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Seville, Spain
2001Degree: Trans­la­tor (Diplom-Über­set­zer) of Eng­lish, Spa­nish and Ger­man; Public Appoint­ment and Public Swea­ring In as a Cer­ti­fied Trans­la­tor at the Hig­her Regio­nal Court of Dres­den (Ober­lan­des­ge­richt Dres­den)
2001−2003Vol­un­t­a­ry work in Mexi­co: human rights obser­va­ti­on, col­la­bo­ra­ti­on in the con­s­truc­tion of pota­ble water sys­tems and making vege­ta­ble gar­dens accor­ding to per­ma­cul­tu­re prin­ci­ples in indi­ge­nous com­mu­ni­ties
2003−2007Fur­ther Stu­dies: Ger­man as a For­eign Lan­guage at the Her­der Insti­tu­te, free­lan­ce trans­la­tor (main­ly trans­la­ting deeds, cer­ti­fi­ca­tes, sci­en­ti­fic texts, sub­tit­les) and tea­cher of Eng­lish and Spa­nish at the Com­mu­ni­ty Col­lege of Leip­zig
2008−2009DAAD (Ger­man Aca­de­mic Exch­an­ge Ser­vice) Lan­guage Assistant at the Ger­man Depart­ment of the Insti­tu­to de Ense­ñan­za Supe­ri­or en Len­gu­as Vivas Juan Ramón Fernán­dez, Bue­nos Aires, Argen­ti­na (advan­ced trai­ning in Trans­la­ti­on of Lite­ra­tu­re; tea­cher of Trans­la­ti­on into Ger­man, Ger­man as a For­eign Lan­guage and Ger­man Word For­ma­ti­on)
sin­ce 2009Free­lan­ce trans­la­tor in Ger­ma­ny, mem­ber of the BDÜ (Fede­ral Asso­cia­ti­on of Inter­pre­ters and Trans­la­tors, Ger­ma­ny)
2012Foun­da­ti­on of Rameil TRANS­LA­TI­ONS, based in Leip­zig